High School 

Athletic Handbook


Table of Contents



Athletic Activities Sanctioned by Escanaba Area Schools 

Senior High.........................................................................................................................................5-6 

Junior High...............................................................................................................................6 

Administrative Objectives of the Activities Program.....................................................................6 

Goals for Student Participants……………………………………………………………………………7 

Conflicts in Extra-Curricular Activities………………………………………………………………….7

The Athletic Council………………………………………………………………………………………7-8 

MHSAA Eligibility Standards……………………………………………………………………………...8 



Maximum Competition.............................................................................................................8 

Semesters/Quarters of Enrollment..........................................................................................8 

Undergraduate Standing…………………………………………………………………………….8 

Sport Specific Transfer Rule....................................................................................................9 


Amateur Practices...................................................................................................................9 

Limited Team Membership………………………………………………………………………9-10

Reinstatement of Eligibility…………………………………………………………………………10

Competition Disqualification..................................................................................................10 


Potential Dangers in Athletic Participation……………………………………………………10-11 



Sports Physicals....................................................................................................................11 


Injury Policy………………………………………………………………………………………11-12 


Escanaba Area Public Schools Eligibility Requirements……………………………………………12

Current Quarter/Semester Record………………………………………………………………..12 

Previous Semester/Quarter Record………………………………………………………………12 

Attendance Requirements…………………………………………………………………………13 



Medical Release…………………………………………………………………………………….13 


Dual Participation Policy....................................................................................................................14 


Foot Coverings....................................................................................................................................14 




Snow Day Procedures……………………………………………………………………………...15


General Student Code of Conduct…………………………………………………………………...15-16 


Training Rules………………………………………………………………………………………………..16 


Consequences for Violation of Training Rules………………………………………………………...17

Violation of State Laws, Local Ordinances, or District Policies……………………………….17


Attendance Where Controlled Substances are Present (Not Used).......................................17

Possession or Use of Controlled Substances…………………………………………………..18 


Transfer Students with Previous Violations……………………………………………………..18 


Good Standing..................................................................................................................18-19 

Concurrent Suspension During Injury……………………………………………………………19 


Cumulative Record…………………………………………………………………………………19 

EHS Award Policies………………………………………………………………………………………20

Letter Placement on Jackets……………………………………………………………………...20



Fan Behavior Guidelines…………………………………………………………………………..21

Coaching Standards & Expectations………………………………………………………………21-22

Moving an Athlete.................................................................................................................22 


Areas of Control that Belong to the Coach....................................................................................22 

Parental Standards & Expectations………………………………………………………………..22-23

Appropriate Concerns for Parents to Discuss with Coaches…………………………23 

How and When to Discuss an Appropriate Concern with the Coach…………….23-24 

Communication Between School and Home................................................................................24 

Expected Communication from Coaches and the Athletic Director………………………24-25

Expected Communication from Parents and Students.........................................................25 

Guidelines for Conducting a Meeting…………………………………………………………25-26


Conflict Resolution Process…………………………………………………………………………26-27 

NCAA Eligibility...........................................................................................................................................27

Concussion Protocols…………………………………………………………………………Appendix A

Athletic Physical Form…………………………………………………………………………Appendix B

Dual Participation Policy………………………………………………………………………Appendix C

Handbook Acknowledgement………………………………………………………………..Appendix D


A sound student activities program is not accidental, it is conscientiously planned and directed by individuals who recognize the importance to the educational environment. The purpose of this student activities handbook is to explain the philosophies, objectives, regulations, and procedures of the Escanaba Area Schools student activities program. In establishing these guidelines, the following factors are considered: 

  • Safeguarding the health of participants in the activities program; 

  • Providing opportunities for student participation; 

  • Establishing standards that cultivate healthy interpersonal relationships among participants. 

  • Maintaining the highest quality of student activity; 

  • Promoting a healthy school/community relationship 

  • Promoting congenial relationships with other schools. 


In accordance with the goals of education, the Escanaba Area Schools athletic philosophy is to help young people develop mentally, physically, emotionally and intellectually to their fullest potential. The athletic program contributes to this goal by providing junior and senior high school students with opportunities to participate as team members in sports competition with other schools. The development of physical skills, sportsmanship, teamwork, self-discipline, loyalty, tolerance and perseverance are desired individual outcomes. 


The following activities are sanctioned by the Escanaba Area Schools Board of Education and are subject to all considerations presented in this handbook: 


Fall Sports                                                                   

Cross Country (Boys & Girls)                        

Football (Boys)

Sideline Cheerleading (Girls)

Tennis (Girls)

Volleyball (Girls)

Winter Sports

Basketball (Boys & Girls)

Bowling (Boys & Girls)            

Wrestling (Boys & Girls) 

Competitive Cheerleading  (Girls)

Gymnastics (Girls) 

Ice Hockey (Co-Op w/ Gladstone) (Boys) 

Swimming (Co-Op w/ Gladstone) (Boys & Girls) 

Spring Sports

Baseball (Self-Funded)


Track & Field (boys & girls)

Tennis (Boys) - Self-Funded

Club Sports

Trap Shooting


Fall Spring

7th/8th  Grade Football

7th/8th  Grade Girls Basketball

Sideline Cheer (6th - 8th)


7th/8th  Grade Boys Basketball

Competitive Cheerleading (6th - 8th)

7th/8th  Grade Girls Volleyball 

Spring Sports

Track & Field (boys & girls) grades 6 -8

Club Sports

Cross-Country (Grades 4 - 8)


A meaningful activities program should have defined objectives that apply to all levels. These objectives should be consistent with the philosophical and educational objectives designed to promote personal development and community spirit. The Escanaba Junior/Senior High School Activities Program is dedicated to the following objectives: 

  • Provide students with quality teaching/coaching personnel; Provide students with facilities that will enhance their skills; 

  • Provide opportunity for students to participate; 

in order to build a positive image of school activities of which the community, parents and students can be proud and supportive of. 


The goal of extra-curricular participation in Escanaba Area Schools should be an educational experience developing individual skills and formulating team concepts that can be used for a lifetime. Participation in interscholastic athletics is a privilege and not a right. EJSHS student athletes will work to achieve the following goals: 

1. Teamwork: Develop self-discipline, respect authority, work hard and 

place team objectives above personal desires. 

2. Success: Perform at one's best regardless of the final outcome.

3. Good Sportsmanship: Learn to accept winning and losing gracefully. Treat others with respect. Maintain emotional control, honesty, cooperation, and dependability. 

4. Good Health Habits: Develop good nutritional habits, get proper 

exercise and follow guidelines setup by coaches and athletic trainers. 


Students are frequently involved in multiple school activities, and conflicts are inevitable.The student should notify the coach and the director of the other activity as soon as a conflict in the calendar occurs which requires the student to be in two places at the same time. The student is not in jeopardy during the resolution of the conflict. The coach and director will notify the Athletic Director if assistance is needed to resolve the conflict.  A coach may not unilaterally prohibit participation in extracurricular activities as a condition of participation in a sport.

The commitment of students in extracurricular activities tends to increase at higher levels of competition; at times, personal interests may need to be sacrificed for the good of the individual and his team members. 

During the season, anytime a participant fails to attend practice/event, the student's return to the line-up will be determined by the amount of time necessary to recover lost skills and conditioning. Disciplinary measures by the coach may be enforced when an absence is not connected with the immediate family and the coach of the activity missed did not receive prior notification, 


The Athletic Council is composed of the Athletic Director and School Administration. 

The Athletic Council shall, at the request of the head coach, have the power (subject to the Student/Parent Handbook) to bar from participating in athletics any individual whose actions are detrimental to the reputation of the school. This option shall be based upon the individual's scholarship, sportsmanship, citizenship, and co-cooperativeness. Any individual thus barred must make a personal appearance before the Athletic Council before the student may again participate in athletics. 


The following is a condensation of the Michigan High School Athletic Association's standards; questions as to the details included in these standards should be taken to the High School Student Athletic Director: 


Students must be enrolled not later than the fourth Friday after Labor Day for the first trimester or second trimester, or not later than the fourth Friday of February for the second or third trimesters to be eligible for interscholastic athletics.


A student must be under nineteen (19) years of age at the time of the contest unless the student's birthday occurs on or after September 1 of a current school year. Should the student's birthday occur on or after September 1, the student is eligible for the balance of that school year. 


A student, once enrolled in grade 9, shall be allowed to compete in only four first, four second and four third trimesters.


A student shall not compete in athletics who has been enrolled in grades nine through twelve inclusive, for more than eight semesters, or 12 trimesters. The seventh and eighth semesters or the 10th, 11th and 12th trimesters must be consecutive. Students are allowed four first semesters and four second semesters or four first, four second and four third trimesters of enrollment. Enrollment in school after the fourth Friday counts as a semester/trimester. Participation in one or more interscholastic athletic contests also constitutes a semester/trimester of enrollment. 


The student must not be a high school graduate. 


Under the Sport Specific Transfer rule, students who change schools and do not meet one of the 15 stated exceptions and their interpretations, such as a full and complete residential change as defined, would not be eligible for the upcoming season in a sport he/she participated in during the previous season in that sport. Participation means actually entering into an interscholastic scrimmage or contest. Students who transfer during a season in which they are participating are ineligible for the rest of that season and they remain ineligible at all levels of interscholastic scrimmage or contest. Students who transfer during a season in which they are participating are ineligible for the rest of that season and they remain ineligible at all levels of that sport through the next complete season in that sport. A transfer student would have immediate eligibility in a sport not played in the previous school year. An otherwise eligible transfer student who changes schools later in a season, after set dates, is not eligible for MHSAA Tournaments in that sport but may play in the regular season. (Oct. 1 for FALL sports, Feb. 1 for WINTER sports, May 1 for SPRING sports). 


A student may not accept an award for athletic participation that exceeds a value of $40.00. An award may not include cash, merchandise certificates or negotiable certificates for any value. 


The student must not accept money or any other type of valuable consideration (merchandise, etc.) for participating in any type of athletics, sports or games. Nor should the student accept this same type of consideration for officiating an interscholastic athletic contest. A student is not to sign a contract with a professional team. 



  1. After practicing with or participating with high school teams, students cannot participate in any athletic competition not sponsored by his/her school in the same sport in the same season. Students in individual sports may participate in a maximum of two (2) non-school meets or contests during the school season while not representing their school. 

  2. Students who have represented any MHSAA school in competition in any 

MHSAA sport shall not compete at any time in any MHSAA tournament sport in all-star contests or national high school championships, regardless of the method of selection. Participation in an all-star contest shall cause students to become ineligible for a maximum period of one year of school enrollment in that sport. 

  1. A student who has completed his or her 12th grade season in a sport may 

participate without loss of eligibility for other sports in one high school all-star event in that sport if held after the MHSAA Final in that sport. 

  1. Parents should always check with the Student Athletic Director before allowing a student-athlete to participate in any non-school athletic activity. This is important to the student's future athletic eligibility. A violation of the limited Team Membership rule results in ineligibility for three competitions. 


A change in status for an athlete who has been ineligible occurs on the first full day of the new semester/quarter on which regularly scheduled classes are held, and not on the last day of the previous semester/trimester. 


Note:  This is the wording of the Michigan High School Athletic Association - Reg. V, Sec. 3: 

The following policies for disqualifications shall apply in all sports: 

  1. When a student is disqualified during a contest for flagrant or unsportsmanlike. 

conduct, that student shall be withheld by his/her school for the remainder of that day of competition and for at least the next contest/day of competition for that team. 

  1. When a coach is disqualified during a contest/day of competition for 

unsportsmanlike conduct, that coach shall be prohibited by his/her school from coaching for the remainder of that day of competition and from coaching at or attending at least the next contest/day of competition for that team. 

  1. Failure of the school for any reason to enforce this regulation will prohibit the school from entry in the next MHSAA tournament for that sport, or for the remainder of the current tournament if the disqualification occurs during an MHSAA tournament or during the last regular season contest/day of competition. 

  2. Disqualifications from one season carry over to the next season in that sport for 

undergraduates and coaches, or the next season in any sport for seniors. 

  1. If the playing rules for a sport specify an additional penalty or more rapid 

  progression, or use of such a progression for other violations, the playing rules apply. (1990) 

  1. Any coach who is disqualified for unsportsmanlike conduct two or more times 

during a season, any player who is disqualified for unsportsmanlike conduct three or more times during a season, and any coach or player who is ejected for spitting at, hitting, slapping, kicking, pushing or intentionally and aggressively physically contacting an official at any time during that season, is not eligible to participate in the MHSAA tournament for that sport that season. If the tournament disqualifying ejection for that individual occurs during the MHSAA tournament, that player or coach is ineligible for the remainder of that tournament. 


A. Informed Consent: By its nature, participation in interscholastic athletics includes risk of injury which may range in severity. Although serious injuries are not common in supervised school athletic programs, it is impossible to eliminate the risk. Participants have the responsibility to help reduce the chance of injury. Players must obey all safety rules, report all physical problems to their coaches, follow a proper conditioning program, and inspect their own equipment daily. Also due to the nature of athletics, the possibility of the exchange of body fluids is present in sports. Regardless of how remote the possibility of transmission of diseases such as HIV/HBV is, all athletes should be aware of the inherent risks associated with athletic competition. 

B. Risk taking: Participation in athletics is a voluntary extra-curricular activity in which the student participates at the risk of injury. Athletic activities can be hazardous and participation in such activities is a calculated risk on the part of the student and parents. 


Parents or guardians of athletes are required to obtain adequate insurance coverage for their children in the event of injury. All students participating in athletic events must carry some type of health and accident insurance. 


A completed MHSAA Physical Evaluation Form must be submitted to the Athletic Office to be deemed eligible for trying out for a team. The form must be signed by the M.D., D.O., Physician's Assistant, or Nurse Practitioner who administers the physical evaluation. A physical examination for the current school year must be administered on or after April 15 of the previous school year. 


Injury Reporting: Students absent from practice due to extended illness or any athlete who sustains an injury while participating for S.J.H.S. or on his/her own time needs to report the injury to the head trainer. 

Release to practice/compete following an injury: Any athlete who has sustained an injury must be released to return to competition or practice by the head trainer, team physician and/or his/her M.D. or D.O. Release by the M.D. or D.O. must be delivered in writing to the head trainer. If the head trainer feels the athlete may be at risk of further injury, return may be withheld pending trainers consulting with team physician and/or athlete's physician. 

Head Trainers Role: The head trainer is responsible for injury prevention, care, treatment and rehabilitation under the direction of the team physician. 


Athlete’s Responsibility: It is the responsibility of the athlete to follow the instructions of his/her physician, as well as the head trainer's recommendations and directions with regard to an injury; it is his/her own responsibility to follow up with treatment as directed by the team trainer. 

Team Physician Role: The team physician will supervise and direct the team trainer. Also, the team physician will have the ultimate decision making authority with regard to the status of injured athletes. 



1. To be eligible for participation in athletic activities, a student must be enrolled as 

a full-time student, meaning the student must be enrolled at and receive credit from EJSHS in at least four classes. 

2. Students must maintain all academic requirements toward graduation. 

3. Students with one “F” may still be eligible if they have a current quarter GPA of 2.5 or better. Students with two or more “F’s” are ineligible for competition. A one-time warning will be issued if the student is not passing all classes when a grade check is conducted. Subsequent checks revealing any failing grades will result in a one-week ineligibility period (Monday-Sunday).  

4. Academic eligibility checks of all student athletes will take place weekly, starting with the Thursday of the 3rd week of each marking period/quarter (or the following day if school is not in session). Subsequent weekly checks will occur on each Thursday (or the following day if school is not in session); these weekly grade checks will look at the student's current quarter grade for each class. 

5. MVU: Students enrolled in MVU courses will be ineligible if the weekly grade 

check reveals that they are 15 or more assignments behind in their self-paced 


6. Escanaba Student Success Center: Student athletes will be ineligible if they are not passing all classes or if they are more than 20% behind in self-paced course goals.

7. It is up to the athletic director, coach, and parents to determine if a student athlete may      practice or attend events when ineligible. 

8. The athletic director and principal will have discretion for any unusual, 

extenuating circumstances or for any situations not covered in the above policy. 


At the end of Quarter 1 and Quarter 3, grades will be checked using the final grades for those respective quarters. If a student fails one class in either of these quarters, that student will be ineligible to participate for one week; the week immediately following when grade checks are done for the quarter. Two failing quarter grades would result in a two-week ineligibility. This formula would continue up to six failing grades. No warnings will be given for previous quarter grade checks. A student will become eligible when the weekly Thursday grade check reveals passing grades in all classes. 

The same formula will be used in grade checks at the end of Semester 1 and 2, using  the respective semester grades, not quarter grades. No warnings will be given for penalties tied to semester grade checks. Failing more than two semester 2 classes would result in carry-over ineligibility to the following fall, per MHSAA as mentioned below, unless said student rectifies failing grade with Summer School. More than two failing semester grades would result in a penalty of a 60-school-day ineligibility period per the MHSAA. Said student would be eligible starting the 61st School day; as long as the student is passing all classes. 


1. Students involved in athletics and activities must be in school HALF DAY to be eligible for practice and/or competition. Extenuating circumstances (doctor appointments, funerals, etc.) must be approved in advance by the school administration. 

2. Attendance Points: When a student accumulates 9.5 attendance points, make-up time may interfere with practices and scheduled competition. This could affect eligibility to participate. 


1. Students are required to travel to and from athletic events by the transportation provided by the Escanaba Public School District. This requirement may be waived for extenuating circumstances by the parents of the student submitting, in writing, a request to the coach and athletic director at least one day prior to the event; students will not be released to anyone other than their own parent(s) or guardian(s). 

2. Sports teams will often solicit parent drivers for certain events (depending on the time and location) and this requires a volunteer background check (aka iChat) to be completed by the Superintendent's secretary. Parents are asked to submit a copy of the front and back of their driver's license to complete this requirement. 

3. Transportation to and from events will be provided by a district school bus 

whenever a driver is available when competing in Michigan's Upper Peninsula; charter buses will ONLY be secured when district drivers are not available, or for competition south of the Mackinac Bridge for sports teams with 19 or more student-athletes. Sports teams with 18 or less student-athletes will be required to take the school van or a bus south of the Mackinac Bridge. If said team wishes to take a charter, it will have to be paid for from the team camp account. 

4. Excused early dismissal and late arrival of student athletes due to scheduled 

events are at the discretion of the Athletic Council. 


The Escanaba Public School Board of Education does not assume liability for injuries suffered by students while participating in athletic activities. The responsibility for the expenses incurred in athletics for doctors, ambulance, or medical expenses for injury must be assumed by the parent or guardian. 

The athlete's family or the athlete's family's employer's insurance must provide coverage in the case of any injury suffered while participating in athletics in the Escanaba Public School system. 



Each athlete must have a Medical Release (MHSAA Athletic Physical Form) signed and filled out completely, kept on file in the school office along with concussion awareness for, and a signed acknowledgement of this handbook. 


There exist circumstances in which it may be in the best interest of both a particular team and an individual athlete to allow participation on more than one athletic team during a particular season. This would allow individual athletes an opportunity to excel in activities that will help both them and others grow and develop physically, socially, and emotionally while, at the same time, helping the overall growth, development and success of the entire team.

A parent/guardian of a student who wishes to participate in two sports should request a meeting with the student, the coaches of both sports, and the Athletic Director to discuss these wishes and review the following guidelines: 

1. A written contract will be established wherein all the above named parties may agree upon training and performance requirements concerning the games and practices. 

2. The athlete must choose his/her primary sport and would be expected to attend 

all practices and contests of the primary sport. 

3. Only the primary sport declared will be considered for scholarship proposes. 

4. The athlete will only be able to participate in the secondary sport when there is 

not a conflict with primary sport activities. Potential conflicts will be resolved by the parties involved and included in the contract. 

5. The athlete would be expected to abide by all team rules for both sports, unless 

mutually agreed upon. 

6. If the athlete fails to comply with any of the agreed upon criteria, the athlete will 

                no longer be eligible to participate in the secondary sport. 


State Health Department regulations require feet to be covered at all times in public buildings. The only exception should be in locker rooms and on pool decks. "Spikes" and cleats of any kind are prohibited in the hallways or locker rooms. Athletes are to put on and take off this type of shoe outside of the building. 


1. Each football player must purchase a protective mouthpiece. 

2. Any individual who has failed to return, in good condition, any equipment issued 

shall be ineligible for an award and from participation in any other sport until such equipment is satisfactorily returned or the Athletic Department is reimbursed. 

3. The theft of school equipment is larceny and Michigan law regards larceny as a felony. 

4. Failure to return equipment will result in a suspension from participation in future athletics until             the equipment has been returned, or until the school is reimbursed for the missing   equipment/uniform. 



1. If school is called off during the school day: No team practices, activities or 

events unless approved by the school administration. If approval is granted, activities MAY NOT be mandatory. 

2. If school is called off before the start of the day: No team practices, activities or events unless approved by the school administration. If approval is granted, activities MAY NOT be mandatory. 


A student who elects to participate in the activities program is voluntarily making a choice of self-discipline and self-denial. Being a member of these groups is a privilege and must be treated as such. An individual's conduct should reflect positively upon himself/herself, his/her family, school and community. 

  • In the arena of competition, behavior should reflect good sportsmanship. 

  • In the classroom, good citizenship, the highest individual academic effort and social responsibility should exemplify the conduct of a good athlete. 

  • The student is responsible for equipment and facilities used in the performing of the activity. 

  • Dropping out of an extracurricular activity is a serious matter. As a courtesy, the student and parents should discuss this decision with the Coach, Counselor or Activities Director before making a final decision. 

  • High school students should use good judgment in emulating only those college and professional performers who display positive qualities of sportsmanship. 

  • A student should respect and adhere to the expectations of the individual coach/supervisor as outlined in the activities written guidelines. 

  • Athletes may transfer from one sport to another during a season when agreed upon by the player, both coaches and parents (obtain transfer form in the Student Athletic Office). If both coaches and players do not agree, appeals will be made to the Athletic Director. 

All rules of this section as well as other sections of the Student Athletic Handbook are in effect from the beginning with their first day of participation in an extra-curricular activity and continuing through to the date of graduation or the last date of participation, whichever is later and regardless of age. All infractions will be penalized and be applicable at any time during the calendar year and will carry over from year to year. 

The students are at all times representatives of the activities program of the School District and must not engage in conduct which is disreputable or unbecoming a student of the School District. Conduct which would constitute a violation of any law or ordinance and which involves an act of dishonesty or criminal intent will be subject to the penalties and disciplinary measures of the Athletic Code. 

When violations of the Code of Conduct occur, the Athletic Council shall determine the degree of the penalty or disciplinary measure imposed on a case-by-case basis according to the seriousness and severity of the violation. The student's assigned High School Counselor will be consulted when appropriate. 


A student athlete must at all times refrain from any conduct that would reflect unfavorably on them self, the team, or the school. Conduct which would reflect unfavorably on the athlete or the school includes but is not limited to the following: 

1. Any violation of state laws, local ordinances, or district policies, such as: 

a. Vandalism 

b. Theft 

c. Physical violence 

d. Profanity or obscene-gestures 

e. Insubordination 

 f. Bullying 

g. Inappropriate use of social media 

h. In-school suspension 

 I. out of school suspension 

2. Attendance at a gathering of two or more individuals where controlled 

substances as defined are present, even if the athlete does not possess or use the controlled substance(s) 

3. Illegal use/possession/purchase/sale of a controlled substance; defined but not 

limited to the following: 

a. Alcohol

b. Steroids

c. Prescription Drugs

d. Narcotics

e. Tobacco

*If an athlete unknowingly arrives at a gathering considered unacceptable as defined above, they should leave immediately upon discovering the nature of the gathering. The above training rules are not intended to deny attendance with adult family members or parental family friends in gatherings such as weddings, anniversary parties, picnics, self-publicized community events, or employment-related activities. 

The above training rules are the minimal standards, which are to be adhered to by students. But, any coach may implement her/his own training rules and regulations which go above and beyond the minimum standards previously stated with approval of the Athletic Director. 


NOTE: consequences are cumulative from grades 6-8, then 9-12 for the entire enrollment duration at EJSHS. 


Will be determined by the Athletic Council and may include but is not limited to suspension from school and athletic contests. 


1st Violation: 

  • Loss of 10% of scheduled contests for the season will be issued 

2nd Violation: 

  • Loss of 25% of scheduled contests for the season 

  • Student athlete shall practice or participate in tryouts with permission of the athletic director and coach 

  • Student athlete shall not participate in any exhibition events 

3rd Violation: 

  • Loss of 50% of scheduled contests for the season 

  • Student athlete shall practice or participate in tryouts with permission of the athletic director and coach 

  • Student athlete shall not participate in any exhibition events 

4th Violation: 

  • Loss of 12 months of scheduled contests for the season 

  • Student athlete shall practice or participate in tryouts with permission of the athletic director and coach 

  • Student athlete shall not participate in any exhibition events 


5th Violation: 

  • Loss of participation privileges for the remainder of junior high/high school athletic eligibility. 



1st Violation: 

  • Loss of 25% of scheduled contests for the season 

  • May have an appropriate chemical dependency assessment and a community/school alcohol or drug awareness program completed at the student's expense; failure to comply with all of the above may eliminate future eligibility to participate 

  • Student athlete shall practice or participate in tryouts with permission of the athletic director and coach 

  • Student athlete shall not participate in any exhibition events 

2nd Violation: 

  • Loss of 50% of scheduled contests for the season 

  • Will have an appropriate chemical dependency assessment and a 

  • community/school alcohol or drug awareness program completed at the student's expense; failure to comply with all of the above may eliminate future eligibility to participate 

  • Student athlete shall practice or participate in tryouts with permission of the athletic director and coach 

  • Student athlete shall not participate in any exhibition events 

3rd Violation: 

  • Loss of 12 months of scheduled contests for the season 

  • Student athlete shall practice or participate in tryouts with permission of the athletic director and coach 

  • Student athlete shall not participate in any exhibition events 

4th Violation: 

  • Loss of participation privileges for the remainder of EJSHS athletic eligibility 


Will require investigation by the athletic director; consequences-will-be determined by the Athletic Council and may include but is not limited to suspension from school and athletic contests. Requisite consequences from the former school will carry over. 


A student serving as suspension must complete the suspension in good standing. While a student may serve a suspension in an earlier sport in order to avoid serving the suspension in a later sport, a student must participate fully in the earlier sport and give every effort as a member of that team. Students not completing a suspension and/or season in good standing will have the suspension reapplied for the next sport season. The coach under which an athlete served a suspension is responsible for reporting an athlete to the athletic director should said athlete not complete the season/suspension in good standing. 


Should an athlete be injured to the extent that they are medically unable to participate, and is technically unable to fulfill the terms of a suspension, the athlete shall be permitted to serve out the suspension as a member of the team. 

For example, if an athlete is found in violation of the athletic code of conduct and is issued a violation AND is injured in advance of the next competitive season to the extent that it is medically impossible for the athlete to participate for most/all of the season, then the athlete (at the discretion of the coach and with approval from the athletic director) may participate as a member of team, provided the following: 

  • The athlete is a roster member of the team and is on the master eligibility list. 

  • The athlete travels to away events and attends practices.  

  • The athlete completes the suspension and the season in good standing. 

  • The suspension is served in a program in which the athlete was a previous roster member. 

  • The athlete participates if he/she becomes medically able to do so. 

  • NOTE: a suspension can never be served as a manager. 


Definition: Self-disclosure is an effort to seek help with alcohol or drug dependency; this is a request for professional help for an alcohol or drug abuse problem 

Admitting to drug use, abuse, or dependency problems after being confronted or investigated by school or law enforcement officials in not self-disclosure. 

Requirements: Self-disclosure requires assessment by a licensed drug/alcohol agency, and adherence to their recommended care plan. If the student/parent makes a self-disclosure and follows the required care plan, participation in athletics may be allowed by the principal only, provided the agreed health care plan is followed satisfactorily. 


Repeated offenses to the Student Code of Conduct indicates that a student is at risk. Accordingly, identified infractions of the Athletic Handbook are cumulative from grades 6-8 and 9-12. To provide a positive incentive for students to learn from their mistakes, a one-time reduction in the cumulative record of violations may be earned. Students- remaining free of Athletic Handbook infractions for a 12 month consecutive period of time will have the cumulative record reduced one time by one violation step while eligible for junior or high school athletics. 


All awards must conform to the regulations of the State High School Athletic Association. A season is not completed until after the conclusion of the Awards 


  • The Athletic Letter "E" Award is given upon the discretion of each high school program head coach, with the following exceptions: 

    • Athletic Letters are not given to sub-varsity athletes brought up to varsity 

for postseason play. 

  • Sub-varsity athletes moved to the varsity level must compete in more than half of the regular-season scheduled games to earn an Athletic Letter. 

  • One letter is given to the athlete and subsequent letters are in certificate form and recorded. 

  • Managerial letters are not used in tallying scholarship requirements. 


Placement of the EHS Letter is optional on a jacket, tradition is as follows: 

  • The Athletic/Academic/Fine Arts E should be sewn on the left side of the jacket over the heart, with the student's name on the other side. 

  • (Fine Arts Letter options: When the letter is an E and it's for Fine Arts, they may embroider "Fine Arts" or whichever department they are lettering in (i.e.: theater, chorale, drama) on the E and then the E is sewn onto the jacket. The E is still placed the same way on the jacket. The placement of the E for female jackets is on the back of the jacket. 

  • When adding date information to the sleeves, the date/year should be placed on the RIGHT side of the garment. 

  • Award medals may be then sewn on to the Embroidered Letter. 

  • Per the family's directive, varsity letters earned for a team manager will not count toward the Gary Abrahamson Athletic Scholarship rewarding the most varsity letters earned. 


Activities in our schools have earned an outstanding reputation in the area of school and community sportsmanship. Our students, fans and participants have always conducted themselves in a commendable manner. Everyone is very proud of this reputation and works hard at upholding it. Please review the following suggestions for future consideration: 

  • A student spectator represents his/her school the same as the athlete;

  • The good name of the school is more valuable than any game won by unfair play; 

  • Accept decisions of officials without dispute; 

  • Recognize and show appreciation of fine play and good sportsmanship on the part of the opponent; 

  • Advocate that any spectator or athlete who continually demonstrates poor sportsmanship may be excused from the athletic program. 


If a fan is acting in an unsportsmanlike manner, he/she will be approached and be advised of the inappropriate behavior by a staff member or the game management, with a follow up letter sent by the Activities Director. 

A second offense will result in a suspension of two home contests and any other athletic event during the suspension time period. A third offense will result in a suspension from all athletic contests for the remainder of the school year. This process may be accelerated if the administration deems it necessary.



Escanaba Area Schools recognizes the need to maintain a standard of excellence for our students. As such, we support the adoption of these standards to be used by the Athletic Director as the basis for the evaluation of coaches and programs. 

A coach has a role as a leader and mentor to student athletes, and is an official representative of the school at interscholastic athletic activities. In such important capacities, these standard behaviors should be practiced (including those clubs and athletic programs not sponsored by MHSAA): 

  • Develop an understanding of the role of interscholastic athletics and communicate it to players, parents, and the public. 

  • Develop an up-to-date knowledge of the rules, strategies, safety precautions and skills of the sport and communicate them to players and parents. 

  • Develop, communicate and model policies for athletes' conduct and language in the locker room, at practice, during travel, during competition, and at other appropriate times. 

  • Establish and formally communicate in writing to athletes and families a reporting system for hazing, bullying, and discrimination.

  • Develop fair, unprejudiced relationships with all squad members. 

  • Allow athletes to prove themselves anew each season and do not base team selections on previous seasons or out of season activities. 

  • Allow athletes time to develop skills and interests in other athletic and non-athletic activities provided by the school and community groups. 

  • Give the highest degree of attention to athletes' physical well being. 

  • Supervise students at all times during practice, training, competition, and travel.

  • Teach players strict adherence to game rules and contest regulations. 

  • Teach players, by precept and example, respect for school authorities and contest officials, providing support for them in cases of adverse decisions and refraining from critical comments in public or to the media. 

  • Present privately, through proper school authorities, evidence of rule violations by opponents; and counteract rumors and unfounded allegations of questionable practices by opponents. 

  • Attend required meetings, keep abreast of MHSAA policies regarding the sport, and be familiar with MHSAA eligibility and contest regulations. 

  • Present a clean professional image in terms of personal appearance, and provide a positive role model in terms of personal habits, language, and conduct. Use of tobacco within sight of players and spectators and use of alcohol any time before a contest on the day of the contest is not acceptable. 

  • Ensure compliance with District policies regarding fundraising and fund management.  This requirement includes self-funded sports which must be organized as a separate 501(c)(3) or deposit and expend all funds through District accounts.  Sports organized as a 501(c)(3) may be asked to provide an audit or statements to the District as proof of compliance.



The following process is to be followed when considering the movement of an athlete from one level of a program to another: 

  1. Staff Meeting: If a coach wishes to consider moving an athlete, the entire 

program staff must meet and agree upon the decision to do so. After consulting with the entire staff, head coaches make final decisions regarding player movement if it is deemed necessary and benefits the entire program. 

  1. Consultation with the Athletic Director: The head coach must clear movement 

of an athlete with the athletic director.  

  1. Parent Notification: Parents will be informed of the recommendation to move an 

athlete and have the first right of refusal. 

  1. Athlete Notification: The athlete should be the last to be informed and also 

reserves the right to refuse. 



  1. Tryout procedures, team placement, team size and selection criteria. 

  2. Position(s) played, lineups and playing time. 

  3. Offensive and defensive strategies play calling and style of play. 

  4. Practice plans, drills and scrimmages. 

  5. Coaching staff (upon approval of the Athletic Director). 


When the coaching staff, the athletes, and the parents are working together for the good of the team, a season is successful. Please help us provide the best possible environment for our athletes to have a quality experience. Everyone must play his/her role. The coaches need to coach, the players need to work hard and sacrifice for the good of the team, and parents need to support their children with attendance and encouragement. As models to our student athletes, the following behaviors should be practiced by parents: 

  • Encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches and officials at every game. 

  • Place the emotional and physical well being of the participants ahead of any personal desires to win. 

  • Provide support for coaches and officials working with the participants to provide a positive, enjoyable experience for all. 

  • Promote tobacco, alcohol, drug, and violence free sports environment for the participants and agree to assist by refraining from their use at all events. 

  • Refrain from comments and actions that are intended to intimidate, bait, anger, or embarrass others. 

  • Maintain a position as a spectator and refrain from "coaching from the stands". 

  • Support the participants in the appropriately designated areas for spectators. 

  • Remember that the game is for the students and not for adults. 

  • Make youth sports fun for the participants. 

  • Expect that your child treat other players, coaches, fans and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, creed or ability. 

  • Keep all comments from the stands positive, including those directed towards individuals other than your own child. 

  • Promise to help-your-child enjoy the extra-curricular experience within your personal constraints by being a respectful fan, providing transportation or whatever you are capable of doing. 


  1. The treatment of your child 

  2. Ways to help your child improve 

  3. Concerns about your child's physical health and welfare, academic progress, or 

violation of the code of conduct. **(Matters regarding other athletes are to be left to their respective parents) 


Communication is the most vital aspect of heading off potential problems. Any concern a student or parent has must always be addressed by following the "Extra-Curricular Conflict Resolution Process." The first step of this is to contact the source. Whenever possible the student should initiate, but whether the parent or the student begins the process there are some suggestions on how to handle this conversation. 

  1. Student contacting the Source: The student should talk directly with the coach, 

in private, face-to-face, away from the practice site or game arena. A telephone call may be necessary to arrange an appointment. E-mail, voice mail, and letters are good methods for communicating information, but they are not as effective for communicating feelings, and concerns. By their nature they tend to distance coaches and athletes. 

  1. Parent Contacting the Source: Contact the coach to talk directly, in private, 

face-to-face, away from the practice site or game area. Making an appointment, sitting down and listening to both sides is far more productive in reaching a mutually satisfying resolution. Our coaches are expected and encouraged to meet with individual parents to discuss concerns that affect that parent's child. Our coaches are not expected to meet with groups of parents to discuss issues of concern. Please do NOT attempt to confront a coach before or after practice or a contest. These can be emotional times for both the parent and the coach. Our coaches are NOT expected to endure yelling, verbal or physical abuse from parents. Make an appointment. Help teach your child the skills of mature conflict resolution. 


The purpose of the interscholastic athletic program at Escanaba Junior/High School is to provide an arena in which students can learn and grow in meaningful ways that are not always possible in a classroom setting. Our ultimate success in achieving a positive athletic experience will be measured by our ability to establish lines of communication. Through good communication, people feel valued and understood, even if complete agreement is not always reached. 

We are all concerned about the education of our students. Part of the process of growing up is learning to handle your own difficult situations. If a conflict or misunderstanding between an athlete and a coach occurs, learning to resolve it is an important educational experience for the athlete. Parents should react slowly. Children tend to exaggerate at times, leave out part of the story, or present a skewed version of an incident. Taking responsibility for your part in a conflict is a learned skill. It requires maturity and honest self-reflection. Athletes vent frustration at the dinner table expecting mom and dad to take their side of the issue. Parents, however, realize that they were not present at practice to see how their child behaved, related to the coach, or to evaluate his or her skill and effort. Parents should always seek more information before drawing conclusions. 

The most productive long-term help a parent can give a child in awkward situations with a coach is to teach and model the skills of conflict resolution. Help your child resolve his or her own differences. When a student successfully deals with difficult interpersonal conflicts, he or she learns and grows. Parents are encouraged to help their athlete learn the valuable lessons that athletics can teach, even the "tough lessons" that may be difficult for everyone involved. Of course, a parent always retains the right to intervene on behalf of a child. 


  1. Team Itinerary: Parents need to know the location and times of all try-outs, practices, games, bus trips, meetings, banquets, team camps, conditioning sessions, et cetera, as well as directions to away contests. 

  2. Team Rules: Parents appreciate knowing not only the philosophy of the coach 

but also any team policies, including consequences that the coach established to supplement the code of conduct, rules and regulations. 

  1. Criteria for Team Selection: Coaches should develop and distribute written 

criteria for team selection, including objective criteria such as those measured against the stopwatch or skills completed, as well as subjective evaluations, such as attitude, effort, coach ability, grades or potential. 

  1.  Criteria for Earning an Award: Coaches should determine and distribute written criteria to parents and athletes as soon as the squad has been selected if the criteria is something more than simply completing the season as a member of the team. 

  2. Injury: Parents can expect to be immediately informed by the coach when an 

injury occurs that requires medical attention. Parents may call the athletic trainer for additional information on care. 

  1. Problem Behavior: Coaches should call parents whenever an athlete exhibits 

atypical behavior that persists longer than 48 hours. 

  1. Discipline: the coach will inform parents within 24 hours of all discipline that 

results in the loss of contest participation or removal from the team. This contact will be done before the parent is to attend the contest whenever possible. 


  1. Schedule Conflicts: If you cannot reach the coach directly, it is then appropriate to notify the main office to get a message to the coach. Please check with the coach before trying out regarding previously scheduled absences. 

  2. Emotional Stressors: Coaches appreciate knowing about any unusual event in 

the life of an athlete that is causing the young person additional stress. 

  1. Volunteers: Coaches need help with so many aspects of managing the program 

(fundraisers, work projects, team dinners, awards banquet, et cetera) that they are always glad to hear from parents who have ideas and are willing to work for the team. 

  1. Forthrightness: Every coach wants to try to resolve a conflict before it is taken 

to the athletic director, principal or other higher authority or before it is discussed "in the stands." 


  • Introduce yourself and vice versa. There is to be no yelling, verbal or physical abuse by either side. 

  • When each person is speaking there is to be no interruption. Let each person complete his or her version of the situation before the other person speaks. When stating your concern be prepared with the facts in so far as you understand, or can ascertain them. Be clear about what you hope will happen as a result of your meeting. 

  • As you talk with the coach, or other authority, repeat back what you hear him or her say to be sure that you understand the important points. Stay calm and friendly as you talk and listen. Take notes. 

  • Assist in generating options to resolve the conflict. Make sure there is fairness to the proposed solutions. 

  • Before the session ends, have a plan that is clearly understood by all parties. A written document restating the final outcome, what happens if the situation reoccurs, and signatures indicating understanding is appropriate. This written plan will check for mutual understanding. Make a plan to touch base following the initial meeting. Remember that each party has a stake in making the plan work. We always assume that all parties have the best interest of the student-athlete in mind when concerns are discussed. Therefore, we make every effort to assure that the student is not penalized or placed in an awkward position as a result of voicing a complaint. Parents, rightly so, tend to have single focus and advocate for their own child. Coaches, on the other hand, tend to have multi-focus and must safeguard the needs of every player as well as the team as a whole. Parents and coaches, in order to communicate effectively, must respect the legitimate perspective of the other. 



All complaints MUST be heard at the lowest possible level BEFORE intervention by a higher authority can occur. 

  • A 24 hour "cooling off" period must be granted before any complaints are initiated. 

  • Complaints must be made within 10 days of the incident. For the sake of all parties, the entire process must be concluded within 30 days of the incident. 


Step 1 Start with the Source


The player will speak directly to the coach. A cooling off period will be granted for all parties before resolution is sought. This meeting should be done in private, away from practice sites and game arenas, and should be conducted face to face. Students who do not feel comfortable speaking solely to the coach may request a parent to be present, however the meeting should be conducted by the athlete.


Step 2 Move to program head 

This step is necessary only if the issue is in regards a subordinate or assistant (i.e. an assistant, JV coach, etc.). If going to the source does not resolve the problem, then the head of the program should be notified and he/she should attempt to facilitate a solution. If the "source" is the head of the program, move to step three. 

Step 3 Contact Athletic Director


If an agreeable solution is not reached, then the athletic director will conduct a meeting between the parties in an attempt to find resolution. 

Step 4 Contact Principal

If an agreeable solution is still not reached, then the principal will conduct a meeting between the parties in an attempt to find resolution. 

Step 5 Notify the Superintendent 

At this point in the process, individuals who still believe their disputes have not been resolved adequately can submit a written narrative of their complaint to the School Superintendent. A copy of this will be given to all concerned parties, who will be afforded the option of a written rebuttal. After the superintendent has reviewed the documents he can conduct a meeting in a final attempt to resolve the dispute. 

Step 6 Request Non-Partisan School Board mediation 

This final step is appropriate only in extreme circumstances and shall follow the same process laid down for the superintendent. 



Students interested in competing in division one or two collegiate athletics must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center. Students should contact the Counseling Office, or view the NCAA website at 


See Appendix A 



See Appendix B 



See Appendix C 



See Appendix D


Appendix A

Appendix A


Appendix A


Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix B



Appendix C 


Student-athletes wishing to participate in dual (same season) sports/activities will need to dedicate themselves to a higher level than student-athletes participating in only one sport/activity. Dual participation in some activities may present problems and the student athlete needs to meet with the Athletic Director (grades, contract, etc) and both coaches prior to the season to discuss expectations/requirements. This can be done at the pre-season coach/parent meeting, or on a separate occasion. 

Dual-sport athletes are required to be passing all classes (current) and maintain the minimum eligibility requirements as set forth by the Escanaba Public Schools Board of Education, as outlined in the EHS Athletic Handbook. The dual-sport athlete will also have their prior semester grades checked. If they were not passing any courses, they are not eligible. 

If this requirement is not met, the student athlete will not be allowed to participate in the secondary sport. Note: At the Escanaba Area Public Schools - Dual-sport athletes are not allowed at the middle school/junior high level, or elementary levels. 



  1. Student must "declare" that they wish to be a dual-sport athlete prior to tryouts and turn. in their dual sport contract (see - "Dual Sport Contract") prior to the season practices starting. NOTE: This can be turned in on the first day of practices/tryouts as well. 


2. Students must also "declare" which sport will be their "Primary" and "Secondary": sport either when they turn in their "Dual Sport Contract" or within 10 days (2 school weeks) during the new sport season before the 1st scheduled contest. 

i.e. There are many dates on which games or meets are scheduled. In order for coaches to best prepare for games and meets, they will need to know which competition you will be attending on these dates, i.e. proper preparation and planning for line-ups for ball games. 

3. In the event that a student-athlete decides to quit their declared primary sport during the season, this will result in forfeiture from the secondary sport for the remainder of the season as well. In the event of specific injury, students are not dropped from either sport primary and/or secondary. Student-athlete may appeal to the primary sport coach. Coach. and administrative decisions will be final. 

Special Note: The district and the Athletic Department will not put the athlete in the middle of a coaching dispute. Both coaches must agree to the athlete's dual participation and to mutually work out a practice/game schedule. 

Appendix C 


Preference Sport: If a student decides to participate in more than one sport in one season, he/she must declare one of the sports as the preferred sport. This selection is to be made at the beginning of the season. The involved coaches, the athlete and his/her parents will sit down and discuss his/her responsibility to both teams. If a student decides to do dual sports after the first game of a sport that he/she is already participating in, the new sport must become the secondary sport. 

Practice vs Games: All contests take preference over practices. Athletes will not be penalized for attending contests. 

Practice: Athletes can and may split practice time with each sport, i.e. a student who participates in a dual-sport, i.e. basketball and gymnastics, swim and gymnastics, or cross country and football. If a student in cross country runs 3 to 5 miles per day; on the same day. when attending football practice, he/she will not be required to run any type of endurance running. This student could run sprints or do other drills related to his/her sport while the other athletes are doing their endurance running.

League and Non-League Contests: League will always take preference over non-league games.

U.P. Finals/State Competition: Districts, Regionals, U.P. Finals and State Competition will take preference over non-league contests, i.e. Athletes will attend playoffs and state contests over league in preference sport, if on the same day. 

"Suspension Dodging": Should a student-athlete garner a suspension in or at the end of a sports season, where they cannot serve said suspension during the sport, they cannot carry the said suspension over to another sport, i.e. a suspension in football cannot be served in cross country, to dodge it being served in football. Suspensions will be for both sports in that season or the upcoming season. 

Commitment: Once an athlete has chosen dual participation, he/she is committed to both teams for the entire season for those sports. Further, it will be understood that any athlete participating in dual sports has ten (10) days from the first week of played competition of both sports to decide whether he/she wants to continue dual sport participation. If the student-athlete chooses to quit or drop their secondary sport, they cannot return. 

Any questions regarding these policies or the handbook should be directed to the Athletic Office, located in the Student Services Office or by contacting the Athletic Director at EHS: "Dual Sport Contracts" can be picked up in the Student Services Office or the Main High School Office.

Appendix C


The Escanaba High School and the Escanaba Area Public School Board of Education has adopted a policy of allowing our students the opportunity to play and become a dual-sport athlete in the same season. In order to do so, or to be considered, this form must be turned in to the Athletic Director's Office at the Escanaba Area High School before the dual sport seasons, or within 10 days of practices commencing. Athletes must select their primary and secondary sports below. 

See the EHS Athletic Handbook for all dual-sport, primary and secondary sport policies and procedures, grades, and attendance criteria. 

Date: __________________________ 

Student-Athlete: _______________________________   ____________________________________

 Print Name                                                             Signature 

Parent/Guardian: _______________________________        _________________________________

        Print Name                                                             Signature


Primary Sport:___________________________________


Primary Coach: __________________________________



Secondary Sport: _________________________________


Secondary Coach: ________________________________



Approval:    YES    or    NO


Date Approved: ________________  Athletic Director: _________________________________


Appendix D


DIRECTIONS: After reviewing the Athletic Handbook completely, please fill out, sign, and return this page to the school office to be filed with your athletic physical. 

I, ___________________________________, along with ____________________________________                   (Student Name)                                                             (Parent/Guardian Name) 

have read the information in this handbook and agree to abide by the policies set forth by Escanaba Area Public Schools as long as I am enrolled there; or accept the consequences that are listed. 


______________________________  _______________________________  ____________________

        (Student Printed Name)                           (Student Signature)                            (Date Signed) 


______________________________  _______________________________  ____________________

        (Parent Printed Name)                            (Parent Signature)                            (Date Signed)